Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving in Chile

Of course Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Chile and I was feeling a little homesick yesterday, missing my family on the northern hemisphere; so a few of my American friends and I decided to go out to eat after work. A Chilean friend came along for the cultural experience so we tried to share all the customs with her. We ordered the most Thanksgiving like food we could (a little tricky to do at a German restaurant in Chile), we all said what we were thankful for, and we talked a lot about what our individual Thanksgiving traditions are. Since I don't eat meat my meal was a little...unbalanced. (Which is definitely for the better since most of the meat was unrecognizable. The best way to describe the meat brought to one of my friends is that it looked like a meat wallet that was fried, so basically it was a fried rectangle with some kind of meat inside). I ate a huge plate of mashed potatoes, my favorite Thanksgiving food, and a German version of apple pie, delicious! To drink I had a fanchop, a very Chilean drink which is half beer and half orange soda, pretty good actually. It definitely was unlike any other Thanksgiving I ever experienced, but it was nice, we laughed a lot, and most importantly I felt very full and satisfied afterwards. I felt totally American and I fully enjoyed that feeling. And I know for sure, it was a Thanksgiving I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. fanchop sounds awesome, I believe I will attempt to make one tonight!
