Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Los Mineros

I am now settled in my apartment and enjoying it, but I will talk more about that another time. Right now, I really must talk about the issue that has put Chile in the center of the world's media spotlight right now, the 33 trapped miners.

As of right now, it has been reported that the rescue is possibly only hours away, beginning most likely at some point later today. As I'm sure you know, this is a huge story. Journalists from all around the world has been following the rescue efforts since the day in August when the miners were discovered to be alive. And of course, there's the note they sent up, written on a scrap of notebook paper, which has already become almost iconic here in Chile. The phrase has been repeated over and over in the media, printed on shirts, ingrained into the memory of Chileans. "Estamos bien en el refugio, los 33."

Now I know that the media all over the world is covering the story, but obviously, over here in Chile, the media coverage must be more extensive than anywhere else. For the past two and a half months, this has been essentially the only story in the news, with a few exceptions of course. But I can tell you, that today, it is the only story. Every Chilean channel has thrown normal programming out the window and right now they are all showing live coverage of what is happening at La Mina San Jose, commercial free. I have been watching one of these channels for the past half hour, and during that time I have seen interviews with family, seen a profile on one of the miners, and I've learned that President Piñera has now arrived at the mine and is being briefed on the operation. There was even a story about whether the numbers of the miners and the important dates (the day the mine collapsed, the day they were found to be alive) have any sort of significance.

Without a doubt, this ordeal has united the people of this country. Chile is a country of extremes; geographically, physically, as its people are spread out along a great distance, and socially, as there is great disparity between the rich and the poor here. But people from all over the country have come together to show their support for the miners and their families. Everyone wants to see the story end well. Los mineros has been a common topic for conversation in my life, among my family and my students. The president's approval rating has steadily risen throughout the ordeal, as the government has spared no expense for rescue efforts. Experts from all over the world have gathered to work on the rescue, never has an operation quite like this been done before. There has even been an improvement between the normally tense relationship between Chile and Bolivia as one of the miners in Bolivian. The president of Bolivia will be joining Piñera in greeting the miners as they come out of the mine, one by one.

So of course, there is an increased sense of pride and patriotism amongst Chileans as everyone is well aware that the world is watching. And more than anything, everyone is just hoping and praying that everything goes well and the miners can make it out safely. I must admit I also feel emotionally invested in this story, how could you not? It is truly an incredible story. I have to go to work in an hour, and I'd really just rather stay here and continue to watch news coverage, hoping to see the first miner emerge safely from the mine.

When this is all over, I'm sure the criticisms will begin. There are a number of different opinions on what to do in order to improve the safety of the mines. Many will complain that the government has spent so much on the rescue operation and as a result, earthquake reconstruction has for the most part been placed on the back burner. But at least for the time being, we can all agree and come together with hope and support for los 33 and their families. Fuerza Mineros! Viva Chile!


  1. This is my favorite blog article yet! Written like a true professional.

  2. Miss Neer, I had a really good time with you in Reception. Sophie read your blog to me. My dad told me you would know all about the miners. We watched it on the computer.
    From Cameron and Sophie

  3. Hi Cameron and Sophie! I hope you both are doing well and enjoying school. It's so nice to hear from you!
