Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The puzzle pieces falling into place.

I can see my life starting to take shape. Now I'm starting to worry a little if I'm going to have too much to do! This morning my Tía and I went all around Rengo and put up my fliers for teaching private English lessons. People were very nice about letting up put them up around different shops and such. Now I just have to wait and see how that goes. Plus I already have three children who need help with their English homework.

Also, as I think I've mentioned before my Tía Elvira brought me a bunch of vegetables to plant in the backyard of my abuelito's house. I was planning on doing that today, but I'm not feeling so well, I'm achy and had a little bit of a fever. My mom told me she's not surprised I'm not feeling well considering my life the past several days, and I'm not surprised either. I have spent most of the day resting, I'll go to bed early tonight, and I'm sure I will feel better tomorrow. I hope tomorrow I can start planting, I am very excited about that.

I have some other good news. My cousin just told me that she talked to the Director of the Special Education school in La Quinta (nearby small town) and they want me to come this Friday to start teaching a creative dance class to the students. I am super excited about that!! I haven't really done anything with dance in a long time so it's going to feel so wonderful. Plus I love teaching improv, or "creative movement" as I like to call it. I mean, I'm no expert, but I have done stuff with a group of fourth graders and a group of senior citizens my senior year at Knox, so I'm sure I can pull something off. If any Terp people happen to be reading this and you have any good ideas, please send them my way! Part of my cousin's job in working for the Department of Education in La Quinta is to write like a newsletter documenting different programs and happenings, so she has decided to write about me doing this dance program. I might have her help me some as well because she studied Theater in college, so I'm sure she'd also have good ideas. I think it's definitely going to be a great experience.

So now I have plenty to do and I am very happy about that. I am starting to feel settled and I am feeling more like I actually live here now. I feel so blessed to be able to have another country that I can also call home.

As always, thanks for reading! I am going to leave you with some of my favorite scenery pictures I've taken recently. Chile is a beautiful country and I am kind of obsessed with taking scenery pictures, especially of the mountains and hills. At some point, I will do some more traveling, and there will be many more opportunities to take pictures. Here are some I have so far!


  1. I have to see this place. Damn Glee for being so demanding!

  2. Creative movement is pretty much the shit. There is also something called "authentic movement" that is used a lot in movement therapy, but is also just a really great way to be in touch with your body. Mary Starks Whitehouse developed it and she has some really cool articles talking about it. If i could find some of them online right now i'd put the link here.

    Sounds awesome!
